diary friday, 8.39pm Thatcher is dead!

hi all, i brought my son up as a single parent under margaret thatcher’s regime. i was mentally ill and couldn’t work full-time. i worked part-time when i was far too ill for it. financially it was a night-mare which culminated in me being hospitalized with a mental breakdown. i treated myself to an extra lotto ticket to celebrate her death.

at the moment i seem to be sleeping day and night for two or three days, then awake for a couple of days and nights, then sleep for two or three days again.

my grandson is getting on ok. i had a cuddle with him wednesday and he slept in my arms for over an hour. very sweet. he is starting to take more notice of his surroundings and we think he is starting to smile. he is still demand feeding every couple of hours and takes nearly an hour to settle after his night feeds so his dad and mum are pretty exhausted but managing to stay in pretty good spirits.

hope you have a good week, love lynda x

About lyndaanning

born in leith, near Edinburgh, Scotland in 1961. i have one son Peter, born 1978. I am the author of Dreams of Death, a short general fiction novel published by Chipmunkapublishing.
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